Storytelling is the lifeblood of writer Lifebedis aka Patrick Ofosu.

His body of work, under the moniker Aba Springs (the seed springs), includes poetry, expressions of thought, photography and music.
Lifebedis is a web publisher, and a learning and ad-hoc scribbler, and narrator of stories.
His work channels positive, thought-provoking stories, poems, and general musings.
My favourite is 'Deh Dare', which starts with so much vim:
"Bare commotion in the air, the stench as people zombiefied in the streets. Making sense of the tumultuous clouds in today's living. At a traffic stop, a souped up Mercedes G Wagon zoomed by, as if, at the races going for a pole position price.........."
Follow him on Instagram and Twitter: lifebedis