To mark World Bicycle Day, we want to celebrate everyone that is doing their bit for the environment and keeping fit by getting on their bike to get around.

We turn our attentions to Mark Boadi, founder of the Accra Cycle Share & Tour company that promotes cycling in Ghana's capital.
Mark said: “Like any other bike shares around the world, we want people to easily access bicycles across the city for short or possibly long distance trips in particularly selected geographical areas initially, and then possibly on university and college campuses in Accra.”
I had a chance to ride with Accra cycle share in January 2019. It was a whole package where we started with ludo games, given some snacks n water in our baskets before we took off. Saw interesting places and ended at Jamestown cafe for lunch. We continued through Accra proper till we got back around 4pm. We were refreshed with drinks on our return. It was a fun day, had a great workout and Mark was a great tourist guide😄